Fixed Prosthesis and Crowns

Fixed Prosthesis and Crowns

Fixed Prosthodontics is the area of Dentistry responsible for the partial or total restoration of the crown of a tooth, by means of a prosthesis that is placed on the previously prepared natural tooth and/or on dental implants, and cannot be removed by the patient. It can also be used for the replacement of one or more broken or badly damaged teeth. Fixed prosthesis can be crowns or bridges, and their objective is to reproduce the natural dentition to the maximum, and can also serve to improve dental occlusion (bite).

The fixed prosthesis is the ideal solution in cases where few teeth are missing, not only for the comfort but also for the aesthetics.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are individualized fixed prostheses that completely cover the tooth, with the objective of giving aesthetics and resistance to partially or totally destroyed dental pieces. Crowns may also be indicated in cases where it is necessary to improve the aesthetics, shape, or alignment of the teeth in the dental arch, or in cases of devitalized teeth, fractured teeth, or teeth with large restorations.

Dental bridges

When there are small edentulous spaces and teeth that could serve as good abutments there may be a good indication for planning and performing a bridge.
Dental bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth, resting on neighboring teeth that are prepared in the same way as for the placement of crowns.
The bridges are permanently cemented and function like natural teeth.


Crowns or bridges behave like natural teeth, so their hygiene and maintenance requires the same care that the patient should take with his natural teeth.

There are several types of materials available in the market for making dental crowns and bridges, ranging from metal, zirconia, ceramic, and others.

At Beclinique, we have an advanced dental laboratorywhere our technicians work on the anatomical details of each crown to the finest detail, achieving the most natural result possible.

Make an appointment for an evaluation

In your first appointment at our clinic, you will have an evaluation consultation with Dr. Dárcio Fonseca.

In this consultation, an accurate diagnosis is made and the best treatment solution and budget are presented to you.

At beclinique, the first consultation is seen as a highly important step in our patients’ journey. Each diagnosis must be accurate and individualized.

This consultation includes:

  • Orthopantomography
  • Photographic protocol
  • Treatment plan