There are situations that seem very futuristic, like getting new teeth in 1 day. But there is nothing science fiction about this concrete situation. Let’s explain how the technology works.

The first steps to having teeth in one day

Many portuguese suffer from tooth loss, as well as various oral health problems. Whatever the reason, and although we don’t always go to the dentist as quickly as we should, the truth is that nobody likes to find themselves without teeth.

But what many people don’t even realize is that, through advanced technology for placing dental implantsit is possible to get all your teeth back in 1 day! It may seem very fast for something so important, that reproduces so perfectly our natural teeth and requires a lot of precision. But with a good team of professionals and the use of the right technology, it really is possible. This is the case with the beclinique clinics!

The power of technology enters right into the collection of information about the current dentition in various registers. Understand how, through our step-by-step:

  1. A photographic record is made of the patient’s dentition from different perspectives, so that the new smile can be designed in DSD – Digital Smile Design (image above);
  2. Through CBCT – Cone Beam Computer Tomography – the characteristics of hard tissues, that is, the bones, are analyzed;
  3. An intraoral scan is performed, which captures impressions of the oral cavity, namely the teeth and gums;
  4. It ends with the clinical evaluation.

After these steps, it is possible to plan the treatment and surgery for tooth placement within 1 day.

From plan to action

In the case we are now presenting, the treatment plan consisted of placing dental implants and a total fixed prosthesis, on those same implants. Spoiler alert: it was another successful case of teeth in 1 day!

Following all the steps mentioned above, with the photographic record, the DSD was made, where we were able to predict the patient’s final smile. Since this is the smile that will accompany people who resort to this treatment, the projection is always shown to the patient, who can ask for adjustments.

beclinique article blog #2 teeth in 1 day technology

Then the DSD was sent to the lab, where it served as a guide for making the prosthesis. This was drawn in CAD software and a digital file was sent to the dentist who informed him about the future position of the teeth.

With this digital file of the prosthesis, the CBCT and the intraoral scan, the dentist was able to plan the exact position of the dental implants. And to guide himself in their placement during surgery, he created the surgical guides, printed on a 3D printer. And so it was possible to set the date for the surgery where our patient had teeth in 1 day.

beclinique article blog #2 teeth in 1 day technology

No need to wait anymore, you can have teeth in 1 day!

Onbig day the dental implants were placed and the prosthesis was fixed on these. When necessary, it is also possible that some teeth will be extracted on the day itself. And, as we have already revealed, the patient had her new teeth in 1 day!

beclinique article blog #2 teeth in 1 day technology

Nowadays, this type of surgery is minimally invasive because, through surgical guides, the dentists are able to anticipate the exact location where the implants will be placed, and thus have a less aggressive and highly precise approach.

beclinique article blog #2 teeth in 1 day technology

After the surgery, and on the day itself, it was checked whether there was a need to make any kind of adjustment to the prosthesis, so that the masticatory, phonetic, and esthetic functions could be fulfilled efficiently.

beclinique article blog #2 teeth in 1 day technology

Once the prosthesis was placed over the dental implants, our patient left the clinic with teeth, in just 1 day! So, if your fear was that by having a treatment like this you would have some time without teeth, we can assure you that at beclinique we have advanced technology so that you can have teeth in 1 day.

beclinique article blog #2 teeth in 1 day technology