Dental veneers are further proof that modern dentistry is highly evolved and offers excellent solutions in cases of oral rehabilitation. And believe us, we are talking about a simple and minimally invasive resource, but with a result that transforms for the better the image of those who wear them.

Let’s find out what this treatment consists of?

Oral Rehabilitation with Dental Veneers

Thedental veneers are a kind of very thin ceramic “caps” that are bonded to the natural teeth, when there is no reason to extract them but they have some imperfection. And since all teeth are different, no two dental veneers are the same either, because they are customized according to the teeth to which they will have to adhere.

This treatment also has advantages such as being painless and minimally invasive, with local anesthesia being applied.

Besides these benefits, at beclinique you still have the possibility to preview your new smile before the placement of the dental veneers. Through Digital Smile Design, designs the patient’s new smile, so that the patient feels confident about the treatment he or she is about to undergo.

After all, when do we need this treatment?

There are several situations where dental veneers are a great solution, for all the reasons we have already presented. But, it remains to be enumerated in what kind of circumstances it is common to resort to them:

  • Severe tooth pigmentation that is not possible to reverse with restorations and tooth whitening;
  • Closing of diastemas (spaces between teeth);
  • Dental fractures;
  • Severe dental wear.

Sorriso sem facetas dentáriasSorriso sem facetas dentárias

Loss of vertical dimension is a form of tooth wear, and this was Ana Sofia’s case. Over time, his teeth became smaller and, as you can see from the pictures, dental veneers were an excellent way to solve the problem.

The images are not deceiving: dental veneers are responsible for great transformations, even if the veneers themselves are small and discreet.

    Dental Veneers - Before and After Zoom - Beclinique

    If you suffer from any of the problems listed, this may be the best way to regain a functional and aesthetically pleasing dentition without major interventions. Contact us and make an appointment for an evaluation. Like Ana Sofia, this is the first step to be proud of your smile again!